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Cala del Diavolo
Sub nel mare della Torre del Porticciolo
L'ultimo raggio di sole illumina la Torre del Porticciolo
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Bonga Surf School

For wave lovers, our village also offers surf courses on the nearby Porto Ferro beach

At Bonga Surf School, thanks to the wide and passionate approach towards surfing, each lesson is a unique and extraordinary experience, a wonderful and unforgettable adventure!

The school is addressed to a safe surfing practice, and it’s organised in different learning level ranging from: base level, for absolute beginners; intermediate level for surfing improvement; advanced level (especially focused for longboarders).

Each surf lesson lasts 2 hours and includes: Warm-up, Theory on the beach, Practice on the sand, Practice in the water ,Inlcuded the best surf equipment

Surf Rates 2025 (group lessons)

50 euros per lesson
140 euros mini course - 3 lessons
210 euros full course - 5 lessons

Children up to 13 years

40 euros per lesson
110 euro mini course - 3 lessons
150 euros full course - 5 lessons

Lesson duration 2 hours Equipment rental included

The cost of the pick up service is € 20 a/r Porto Ferro beach - Camping Torre del Porticciolo

Guided SUP excursions

Guided safely by our professional trainers you will enjoy the lovely landscapes and discover the most hidden treasures of the Coral coastline. It will be an amazing adventure!

Our instructors will arrange the excursions according to the weather and sea conditions.
All the equipment* needed to carry out the trip safely will be provided.



Minimum age 12 years (fill out parent waiver)
Know how to swim
*Tour equipment includes board with safety leash, paddle, life jacket, waterproof bag.

Sito realizzato con finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea e con il supporto della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

Credits: Mentefredda - Web marketing turistico